HUGO BOSS med Alex Thomson ude af Transat Jacques Vabre - har ramt et uidentificeret flydende objekt!
Det var ikke længe den nye HUGO BOSS var i et helt stykke. Søndag morgen, ramte bådens køl et uidentificeret flydende objekt, og ved nærmere inspektion har Alex Thomson og Neal McDonnal kunne konstatere, at deres køl kun hænger i hydraulikken!
På Alex Thomson Racings facebookside kan vi her søndag over middag læse:
This morning (Sunday 3rd November 2019) at around 9:37am UK time, while Alex Thomson and Neal McDonald were sailing at around 25 knots onboard HUGO BOSS, they hit something in the water. At this stage, it is not clear what they hit. Following the incident, Alex and Neal stopped the boat and carried out an inspection to assess the damage sustained. It became apparent that the keel is now only attached by the hydraulic ram. Due to the damage sustained to the boat, the decision has been made that Alex and Neal will not continue on in the race. The Alex Thomson Racing team is now working to assist the skippers to bring the boat to the nearest port. Both Alex and Neal are currently safe inside the boat and did not sustain any major injuries.
A further update will follow.
Ingen tvivl, her er der tale om sort uheld, men det er ikke første gang Alex Thomson kommer galt/uheldigt afsted – manden er eminent til at skabe PR for HUGO BOSS, men hvor er han dog også bare uheldig - gang efter gang efter...