Det var under en trænings tur, nummer otte af slagsen, på San Francisco Bay at det gik galt.
Vi har jo set de 45 fod store katamaraner kæntre masser af gange, og ja – både kæntre, så det måtte også ske for den store 72 fods.
Vigtigst af alt
Heldigvis er ingen kommet til skade, men det har unægtelig sat ORACLE TEAM USA noget tilbage i deres satsning på at vinde den 34. Americas Cup næste sommer.
Det er ikke mange dage siden bragte nyheden 'Oracle Team USA flyver" – man må sige det var noget af en landing vi blev vidne til her i nat, godt ingen sejlere kom til skade!
På Americas Cup's hjemmeside kan man læse:
Update – 1900 PDT – The ORACLE TEAM USA capsize is turning into an epic rescue story.
With darkness falling the team is still working to secure the AC72 catamaran platform and return it to the team base at Pier 80. Latest updates indicate the wing has been damaged nearly beyond recognition.
The Coast Guard has been standing by to assist, but to this point, ORACLE TEAM USA is working on the rescue operation with its own resources.
Update - 1700 PDT - From ORACLE TEAM USA tactician Tom Slingsby, as the rescue effort continues:
"We called for a bear-away as we were out training. The winds were blowing about 25 knots, and there was strong ebb current at the time (the strongest of the year). We started the bear-away, and as the boat accelerated it pitch-poled.
"We didn't know what was going to happen with the new boat. When the nose went down, the wing hit and a few guys went in the water. We were unsure if the wing would snap, so we all climbed off the boat.
"Luckily, everyone is accounted for and no one was hurt. The wing is pretty badly damaged, and we are working to get the boat back in position to return to Pier 80."
Update – 1645 PDT - The ORACLE TEAM USA AC72 is now upside down – the team has not been able to right the boat and it has drifted under the Golden Gate Bridge.
The wing is still attached to the boat and the team is working to secure the boat into a towing position.