Danske sejlere, som annoncerer brugte både på f.eks. Boatindex eller andre websider for brugte både, oplever jævnligt at modtage henvendelser fra udenlandske ”potentielle købere”, som tilsyneladende – og pludselig – viser stor interesse for at købe din båd.
Og de får det som regel til at se ud som, at de allerede har besluttet sig for at købe din båd, og er parat til at sende beløbet til sælgeren. Det eneste som de beder om er, at du lige vil lægge et beløb ud til shipping, mens pengene skulle være på vej - f.eks. på en check. Det er selvfølgelig her ”fælden” ligger.
Henrik Jørgensen, Tempo Bådsalg har oplevet dette tidligere, og her er hans enkle råd:
”Vi meddeler altid kunderne, at de skal sende kopi af pas og ID på køberen – så hører vi ikke mere fra dem.”
Herunder et eksempel på, hvordan disse henvendelser typisk ser ud. Så lad være med at blive begejstret over, at der er kommet en køber til din båd. Vær kritisk - det er denne type svindel henvendelser, som sælgere af brugte både ofte modtager:
“Hello xxxxxxxxx,
Thank you for your reply and I appreciate your the details you updated me. I wish to inform you that I have agreed and concluded with my family to buy your boat and make you an offer of 37,000 €. Please if you accept this, kindly provide me with the following information for payment:
1. Your full name (As would be written on my check)
2. Your full Contact Address and,
3. Your Direct phone number
I will send you full payment of the boat immediately to show my commitment to buy it. However, I want you to know that we would prefer to do the shipping of the boat ourselves as I wouldn't like to hold you responsible for any damages (if any) that might occur in the process of transporting the boat to UK waters so, I will write you a check of 57,000 €, while you should assist me send the extra sum of 20,000 € to the shipping & Handling company I will provide for the shipping of the boat and other items I bought in Denmark, after my check has been deposited and cleared in your bank.
With the above noted, once the shipping company confirms the receipt of their shipping fee, their representative will come and inspect the boat in Aarhus, and we shall conclude with the transaction and sign all papers. I hope this agreement suits you.
I look forward to doing good business with you.
Best regards,
…………….. “